How to Claim Certificate of Eligibility? (For Civil Service Pro & Sub-Pro Passers)

How to Claim Certificate of Eligibility? (For Civil Service Pro & Sub-Pro Passers)

Certificate of Eligibility is one of qualifications standards for a position in government. This certification can be claimed by Civil Service Pro and Sub-Pro passers. To check if you passed the exam, see How to Check Civil Service Exam Rating Online (CSE-PPT) 2019. Certification of Eligibility for Career Service Professional is also known as Second Level Eligibility while for Career Service Sub-Professional is First Level Eligibility. There are two types of Certificate of Eligibility (CoE):

(1) temporary CoE - is free of charge given to all civil service exam passers. Temporary Certificate of Eligibility is printed on CSC letterhead and is valid for 2 years from the date of issuance and cannot be authenticated.

(2) regular CoE - is NOT FREE of charge, it costs 100 pesos. Regular Certificate of Eligibility is printed on security paper which can be authenticated and has no expiration. It's usually preferred by government agencies.

Please note that there is no deadline in claiming your Certificate of Eligibility, you may claim it even if the exam was years ago.

Here are the requirements in claiming your Certificate of Eligibility

UPDATE for March 17, 2019 CSE-PPT (Paper-and-Pencil Test) Passers for both Professional and Sub-Professional Level

1. Temporary Certification of Eligibility (printed on CSC letterhead, free of charge) for passers of the March 17, 2019 CSE-PPT shall be issued through the CSC Regional/Fields Offices by June 17, 2019.

PASSERS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO VERIFY/CHECK FIRST THE AVAILABILITY OF THE CERTIFICATION BEFORE GOING TO THE CSC REGIONAL/FIELD OFFICE. To know the contact number or email address of your respective CSC Regional/Field Office, just visit Civil Service Commission Office Directory through this link

Passers must personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned. Representatives are not allowed to claim on behalf of the passers. In claiming the Certification, passers must present the following items:

a. At least one of the following accepted ID cards which is preferably the same ID card presented during filing of application and is preferably valid (not expired) upon claiming of the Certification:

Driver's License/Temporary Driver's License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver's License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit
PRC License
Voter's I.D./Voter's Certification
BIR/Taxpayer's I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture)
PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number)
Company/Office I.D.
School I.D.
Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture)
Postal I.D.
Barangay I.D.
NBI Clearance
Seaman’s Book
HDMF Transaction Card
Solo Parent I.D.;
Senior Citizen’s I.D.
Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD).
* All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
* Photocopy only of I.D. card, or cellphone photo of I.D. card, shall not be accepted.
* As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for claiming of Certification, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of claiming of Certification.

b. Application receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt, if available.

2. Passers may also opt to apply for regular Certification of Eligibility that is printed on security paper at cost, Php 100.

Please note that applying for regular Certification has a different set of requirements and procedures. Please verify with the CSC Regional Office concerned, or secure the requirements from the CSC website,

The requirements are being updated form time to time. You can at least prepare the following requirements:

a. At least two (2) of the following accepted I.D. cards which must be valid (not expired) upon claiming of the Certification:
Driver's License; Passport; PRC License; SSS I.D.; GSIS I.D. (UMID); Voter's I.D./Voter's Certification; BIR I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture); PhilHealth I.D. (must contain the holder's name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number), Company/Office I.D.; School I.D.; Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate; Postal I.D.; Barangay I.D.; NBI Clearance; Seaman's Book; HDMF Transaction Card; PWD I.D.; Solo Parent I.D.; Senior Citizen's ID; or ACR I-Card.
Any other ID card not included in the above list shall NOT be accepted.

- If ID do not have date of birth, please bring original Birth Certificate (PSA copy or LCR copy), If married, original and photocopy of marriage contract.

- If the requesting party works/lives abroad: copy of passport and copy of 1 valid I.D. (duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consular Office)

b. Application receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt, if available.

c. One (1) piece 1 x 1 picture with name tag and signature (If you still have photo attached in claim stub, you still can use it.)
- Signature must be on top of printed name.
- Photo should have been taken within three (3) months prior of filing of request for Certification of Eligibility
- Scanned, computer-generated photo/name/signature will not be accepted.

d. Properly filled up Eligibility/Examination Records Request Form (ERRF) and Declaration Form (DF). These forms are available at the CSC Regional Offices and CSC website,

e. Php 100 for certification fee

Special requirement for women who married after taking the examination:
PSA-Issued Marriage Contract

If request is filed thru a representative, here are the additional requirements:
Authorization Letter or Special Power of Attorney (SPA); and 1 valid I.D. of representative

Note: The CSC Regional/Field Offices may require additional document/s as necessary to establish the identity of the passers.

Step by step procedure on Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility

You can get your Certification of Eligibility for roughly 30 minutes:

Step 1. Fill-out Eligibility/Exam Records Request Form (ERRF). The ESD personnel will receive/review accomplished ERRF and DF, and issue Order of Payment (form) for about 1 minute.

Step 2. Wait for the request to be processed for about 26 minutes. Here are the details of process: (1)The ESD personnel will verify/validate data and information based on the records for about 15 minutes. (2)If the record is accurate, encode examination and personal details and print certification within 5 minutes done by ESD personnel. (3)The ESD personnel will review data/findings and affix initials on the file copy of certification within 3 minutes. (4)The Director will affix his/her signature on the certification. (5) the ESD Personnel will photocopy the certification and Identification Cards. (6) The ESD personnel will issue order payment and advise client to pay at the Cashier.

Step 3. Pay PHP 100 to the Cashier. The Cashier will process the payment for about 1 minute and will issue Official Receipt.

Step 4. Present Official Receipt (OR) and affix signature on the release portion of the ERRF or file copy. The ESD personnel will then release the Certification of Eligibility, with processing time of about 2 minutes.

Note: The 30-minute processing time is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are two or more clients.

ERRF - Eligibility/Exam Records Request Form

[Download ERRF]

Note that the ERRF file also came from the Official CSC website. It's just uploaded in Google server, so in case the CSC website is down, then you can download ERRF file here.

According to Civil Service Commission — The successful examinees in the professional level may be appointed to "both first level (clerical) and second level (technical) positions in the government, including executive/managerial positions in the second level, provided they also meet the education, experience, training, and other requirements of the positions.

Meanwhile, those who passed the exam in the SubProfesssional level — may be appointed only to first level positions in the government.

Both the Professional and SubProfessional eligibilities are appropriate to positions that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special laws.

Here are the benefits of being a civil service passer. If you are currently employed as a job order/contractual/casual/special project work in a Government establishment, there is a higher chance to get a permanent JOB or become a regular employee in that office and thus gaining a promising privileges and benefits like salary increases, employee leaves, bonuses, gifts and incentives, and promotions.

Are you one of the civil service passers and want to work in the government? Check latest job vacancies in different government agencies at these websites:

Do you have any concern on claiming your Certification of Eligibility? Let us know in the comment section below.

Sources: and

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